Dongtini — Episode 105
April 18, 2014 in Podcast
On this episode: Stephy’s disdain for naked playdates at the Korean spa, Simone explores her wet bread phobia, and we read real headlines about a cartwheeling dong. Also: the Fender Wangcaster, more World Vision wankery, our collective low self-esteem, and yet another Dong In The News™.
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Click here for dick pic that looks like a branch!
Simone lays out her wet bread issues in this wet bread post.
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Click here for the naked acrobat in San Francisco BART station!
Closing song: Brigitte Bardot — “Ne Me Laisse L’aimer”
Dongtini — Episode 96
October 29, 2013 in Podcast
On this episode: Simone is literally (not figuratively) rescued once again by science, Stephy did stuff with David Bazan and Peter Rollins and then got a dong cake from listener Jonathan, when you get red flags when you meet new people, more fuckery from Facebook (“Facebook is destroying lives left and right!” said Simone), and Simone reads internet discussions about people who will think there will be internet in heaven and/or hell. WILL THERE BE COMMENT FIGHTS IN HEAVEN?
Listen now or right click to download and listen later!
Dongtini – Episode 96
Listener Jonathan’s work of art that was a delicious dong cake.
Simone wrote this blog about people who don’t laugh. Prepare to be amazed!
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Closing song: Alison Gold — “Chinese Food”
Tags: cakes, comment fights, david bazan, dong cake pan, facebook watchdog, internet in heaven, peter rollins, postpartum depression, science