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Dongtini — Episode 115

October 23, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Mark Driscoll’s resignation and how Stephy feels about it, Simone’s meditative practices to increase gratitude, detention centers for undocumented immigrants are a disgusting capitalist abomination, and gay porn just means double the dongs. Also: Julai Whipple’s amazing piece on men holding doors for women, Emma Watson’s UN speech, Simone got in a fight about fonts, Stephy thinks Michael Stipe is a little ridiculous lately, Simone queries Stephy on worship, Stephy went to mass, why don’t we get excited about little things? (“It’s going into space!”), the new porno of The Room, and buttplugs: what do we know about them? “I bet Stephanie hates brunch!” 

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Dongtini – Episode 115

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The Parisian buttplug Christmas tree.The Parisian buttplug Christmas tree.

Closing song: Candi Staton — “Old Man’s Sweetheart”

Dongtini — Episode 114

October 10, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone’s Australian rules football team won the Grand Final, Stephy has had a lifelong crush on Tom Landry,​ LASIK is expensive and scary, Facebook’s stalking of random links you open is also scary, Simone talks about general atheist disgruntlement with Richard Dawkins, Stephy drunk tweeted that Christian movie God’s Not Dead, Simone wrote another epic letter to customer service, and police found so very many dongs in glass jars.

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Dongtini – Episode 114

grandfinalSimone’s Hawks are the victors once again!
Stephy hearts Tom LandryStephy hearts Tom Landry

Here you can find episode 33 of You Are Not So Smart

Here is where you can find Stephy’s drunk tweeting of God’s Not Dead.

Closing song: The Easybeats — “Do You Have A Soul”

Dongtini — Episode 113

October 1, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone talks about ways lowbrow entertainment is turning us into Idiocracy, Stephy feels lowbrow entertainment reflects existing society, and a lively conversation ensues. Also: Simone has a list obsession, Stephy went to a work slumber party, Simone’s mum tried to pronounce Dongtini and boy was it funny, Stephy talked to Bust about Mark Driscoll and then tells of Tony Jones’ rough few weeks on the internet, Simone has a list addiction, Whopper Jr. has left the building, there exists an adorable dog named Snacky, and a listener calls in with a disheartening “moist” story.

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Dongtini – Episode 113

Simone, Stephy, Richard and Jona on Jona's birthdaySimone, Stephy, Richard and Jona on Jona’s birthday

 Stephy’s interview with Bust about Mark Driscoll.

Lauren Hoffman’s article on TV and shame which Stephy and Simone each had strong opinions about.

Snacky (@snacky_business on Instagram) is Stephy’s new obsession.

Closing song: Liz Phair — “Soap Star Joe”

Dongtini – Episode 112

September 22, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone saw the Penis Monologues in Scotland, Stephy’s formidable enemy Mark Driscoll is finally circling the drain, and an unsolicited dick pic involving a bookmark was discussed. Also: Simone did a live stage reading of The Room script with Greg Sestero (OH HI MARK), turns out the Irish pronounce “arse” the way Stephy does, Simone had a challenging crying scene in an upcoming blockbuster, Stephy is a penis home because Mark Driscoll says so, Simone got to do a real live Project Runway challenge (she called it Project Dumbway), the best name ever belongs to someone in Florida (of course), and two memorable dongs made the news.

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Dongtini – Episode 112


  Simone’s Project Dumbway pieces

10629836_10154550586770655_566985345828599960_nProject Dumbway, week 1: Simone and Mark’s attempt at romper modelled here by Mark…
10645127_10154550587380655_4258795536599127333_n…looked much better when modelled by Aimee.
20140914_1907141920s flapper dress made by Simone and Mary on week 2 of Project Dumbway. Made in just over 2 hours!


Looks like it's curtains for Mark Driscoll.Looks like it’s curtains for Mark Driscoll.

Driscoll got the front page of the New York Times…for all the wrong reasons.

Closing song: Supergrass – “In It For The Money”

Dongtini Episode 111

August 11, 2014 in Uncategorized by dongtini

Stephy got some rosary beads and Simone has been doing Buddhist meditation. Let that sink in. Also: self-hatred as a western concept, post-nap depression, dancing alone, how do you describe Adam Levine?, Dongs In The News, Taco Bell News, pretentious vegans, the original James Bond.


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Dongtini – Episode 111


Click here to experience the superglued dong story.


Here is the Vice article on vegans not necessarily being pretentious.


Confused Cats Against Feminism: If the patriarchy will let Miss Wanton lick her bottom, she will welcome it gladly.


Closing song: Tom Jones – “Thunderball”

Dongtini – Episode 110

July 16, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On today’s show, Simone visits Stephy is Seattle for a laid back recording with Stephy’s primitive set up. Discussed is a disturbing website that pays some sort of tribute to Cameron Diaz, Asexuals are a-ok, the Experience Music Project in Seattle is kinda pretentious, Nirvana appreciation is shared, and rubbery ducky Amazon reviews are shared!


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Dongtini – Episode 110


Horrifying cum on Cameron Diaz link.

Listener Eugene’s awesome post explaining how privilege works and why those who have it shouldn’t be condemned or feel bad about it, but also shouldn’t be dicks. 

Stephanie appeared on The Friendly Atheist Podcast

41Yz7BvqB7L._SX425_Controversial sideways floating rubber duck by Toysmith, available on Amazon.

Closing song: Nirvana – “Serve The Servants”

Dongtini – Episode 109

July 2, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On today’s show, the ladies cope with aging very well indeed, terrifying toilets are unpacked, dongs and their associates are in the news in Titanic proportions, Women’s Health tells you not to apologise and the proceeds to make you feel bad, daddy/daughter dates make most people uncomfortable and getting trapped in a room with a zombie is fun!


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Dongtini – Episode 109

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Kiwi DECK sealant commercial! They can’t say “deck” properly!

tanya-and-tyrone-bowdMother and son sad about his watermelon sized scrotum


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The sperm extraction machine!

See if Trapped in a Room with a Zombie is happening in your town!

Screenshot_2014-06-23-13-01-30Simone’s Android music library appears to have been Rick Rolled as songs with missing artwork appeared like this.

Closing song: Rick Astley – “Never Gonna Give You Up”

Dongtini – Episode 108

June 19, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On today’s show, Simone recounts seeing the last living Bee Gee, Barry Gibb and meeting Olivia-Newton John, the horror show of Brian Wilson’s rap song “Smart Girls” is discussed, Stephy quizzes Simone on kissing someone who was on Mad Men, excessive apologies are explored, the legitimacy of medical information conveyed with bad web design, and mass shootings suck so hard, but ones that go unreported are discussed. Cock!

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Dongtini – Episode 108


Simone and Olivia Newton-John!

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60 Minutes story on Brian Wilson’s relationship with Dr Landy might help explain

the atrocity “Smart Girls” which played at the end of episode 106!

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Patrice O’Neal on white people vs black people going missing.


Closing song: Bee Gees – “Run To Me”

Dongtini — Episode 107

May 29, 2014 in Podcast, taco bell by dongtini

On this episode: We review the penis museum documentary The Final Member, breaking news on the mystery ingredients in Taco Bell’s “meat,” the mistaken premise of Jeopardy!, things we’ve changed our minds on (dongs are not on the list), Stephanie’s obsession with Seattle music “sensation” Rod Danz, more and more misplaced logic, a listener voicemail about being raised a demon-fearing Jenovah’s Witness, Simone sings a creepy children’s song about a log, and a special off-the-record one-sided conversation.

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Dongtini – Episode 107


Quincy on his first birthday wearing Hungry Caterpillar made by Simone.


Simone, Quincy, and his new father, Brandon Walsh.

Back Camera

Simone attempting the Michael J. Fox side smile in year 8, age 13.

Rod Danz is the Tommy Wiseau of the Seattle music scene. Please enjoy his music here on his…yes…his MySpace page.

Rod Danz in a motor vehicle.

Rod Danz in a motor vehicle.


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Closing song: Takako Minekawa — “Fantastic Cat”

Dongtini — Episode 106

April 30, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone was forced to ride something even bigger than a stretched Hummer, Stephy is terrified her boss will find pictures of hot dogs on her hard drive, and we marvel at the Wu-Tang wiener saga. Also: fun mental health updates, third-world outreach, an embarrassment of dong riches, pedophilia rehabilitation, “Nobody judges a thumb,” fragrant memory associations, and the Bartman. “Do you have a minute for the environment?” “NO.”

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Dongtini – Episode 106

1926747_10153993368055655_1594277885965461064_nSimone with her teen idols, Ugly Kid Joe post private show



The ridiculous car Simone rode in in Las Vegas.

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Imaginary Author fragrance

 Simone’s beloved fragrance The Soft Lawn by Imaginary Authors. Click here to visit their website and

learn about Claude LeCoq, Lenora Blumburg, Devante Valereo and more!

Here is the Tarred and Feathered piece on pedophiles on This American Life.

Closing song: Brian Wilson — “Smart Girls”