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Dongtini — Episode 45

May 23, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone is confronted with interpretive dancing and interactive balloon “art,” Stephy used to hate L.A., a listener asks how we deal with being depressed, Simone ordered the “I Am Fortified” at Cafe Gratitude, and Stephy was tortured by country music the entire time she lived in Texas. Plus: miniature horses, Robin Gibb, and are our dongs too pronounced? Be a lamb and take our poll.

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Dongtini – Episode 45

What are your thoughts on Dongtini's flying dong wallpaper?

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Matt Dwyer is rad.

Various excellent conversations with Matt Dwyer are here.

Simone participates in a cruddy balloon "art" project. Middle shot shows failed attempt at balloons breaking her fall. Thanks to Listener Nadine for taking these shots.


Nadine's tumblr WTFChristians

You have to see Listener Nadine’s tumblr page WTFChristians.

Simone had the "I Am Thriving."
Listener Katie vs. Mark Driscoll
Simone: “I’m going to push for this measure in California.”


The brothers of devastating chest hair.
RIP Robin Gibb

 Closing song: Bee Gees – “Massachusetts”

Dongtini – Episode 44

May 16, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: we join the festival of intensity on Feral Audio, Klout sucks like LinkedIn sucks, our grandparents are racist, angry lesbians send the best hate mail, Australian candy, our awkward creepy true pickup stories, Facebook’s new Messenger feature “seen at 9:07” is making us insecure, Simone had to tell her mum what a dong is, there are actually people out there who brag that they hate the Beatles, Focus on the Family’s unintentionally hilarious movie reviews, Simone declined to be photographed for [NSFW], Stephy hates Blue Like Jazz and Simone hates Stephy’s summer jam.

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Dongtini – Episode 44

Don's trying to get it.
"So what do you like to do in your spare time?"

Here’s Focus on the Family’s movie review of Blue Like Jazz.

The Christian movie industry's still at it.

Behold Stephy’s summer jam:

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Closing song: Girl Talk — ‘This Is The Remix’

Dongtini — Episode 43

May 11, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Simone is still in Australia, hooked up to an IV of  iced coffee and whipped cream vodka. Stephy is persecuted by Mark Driscoll enthusiasts and then subjected to a party full of 20-something hipsters. Simone gets into a two-hour theological discussion with her mum, so we read Amazon lube reviews to get some proper perspective.

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Dongtini – Episode 43

Simone's new invention
Could this be the official Dongtini cocktail? Whipped cream shots with 100's and 1000's on the rim! We could call it the Dongtini Rimjob™
Stephy is a master of divinity
32 oz = economical
The Artist's Way morning pages in a nutshell

Closing song: Olivia Newton-John & ELO —”Xanadu”

Dongtini – Episode 42

May 2, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini


On this episode:Transcontinental fortitude! Simone calls in from her snack nest in Australia and talks about the Aussie version of white trash (bogans). Stephy is busted for humblebragging and then is sad that atheists call her dumb, a stranger shows Simone her nipple ring, and nothing is more hilarious than hipsters at the gym. 

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Dongtini – Episode 42


Old school, classic Aussie bogans, likely listening to Cold Chisel and some lacking teeth.

An example of modern day Aussie bogan make-up.
Bogans gone classy for the Australian Rules Football Brownlow Medal event. Note "crazy" hair and Oompa Loompa bronzing.
Simone went to high school with this girl who married a footballer (who plays for Simone’s favourite team) which makes her a red carpet bogan.


Simone was treated like a common bogan when she went shopping:


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Wesley Willis’s masterpiece “Rock ‘n Roll McDonalds”


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 Closing song: Otis Redding—”Slippin’ and Slidin'”

Dongtini – Episode 41

April 25, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

 On this episode: Stephy is creeped out by, Best Western is bravely admitting their customers cover remote controls with DNA, Christians criticizing other Christians for living in the gray, Simone asks Stephy about what if none of this religion stuff is true, spin class rage, the split-level was a horrible assault on architecture, and a listener saw a porn shoot by the side of the highway.

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Dongtini – Episode 41

Best Western knows you're a filthy animal


A CuddleParty™ pigpile


Sunken living rooms: where all the magic happens.


Run for it, Marty! (If the cow's name was Marty)

 Leave  a comment and call the Dongmail. 323.301.DONG. That’s right. 323.301.DONG.


Closing song: Dr Geek – “Blu Blockers”

Dongtini — Episode 40

April 18, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

 On this episode: Stephy and Simone talk about the book of Job and wonder if God is a dick, Simone is troubled by the helium shortage, Stephy has WordHate™ issues, Simone went to Radiohead, Stephy asked Dave Bazan to play “Stay For Awhile” by Amy Grant and he DID (see below), adventures in conflict resolution, faith needs questions, and Jones’ Good Ass BBQ and Foot Massage.

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Dongtini – Episode 40

David Bazan covering “Stay For Awhile” and reducing Stephy to tears. Click here to hear.


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 What are you doing? Call the Dongmail! 323.301.DONG

Closing song: “God Will Fuck you Up”—John R. Butler

Dongtini — Episode 39

April 11, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode:  our parents confiscated Appetite For Destruction and In Utero, did yours? Simone queries Stephy on the resurrection, we squabble over whether soul patches or goatees are worse, and Stephy’s friend had some surprise surgery…at a party, not a hospital.

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Dongtini – Episode 39

Way to give the kids PTSD.

Knock yourself out at Draw A Dick On It and I Threw Up.

The aftermath of booze and cigarettes meets a sticker appropriate for the circumstances.

Never acceptable.See Stephy’s official rant against soul patches here.

FlyLady: the gayest site you'll ever The gayest site you'll ever love.
Friend of Dongtini Luke Burbank had Stephy was on Ross and Burbank to talk about Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll, yay!

Click here to hear Stephy talk to Luke Burbank about Mark Driscoll, and click here to see how Stephy’s Driscoll petition made Glenn Beck’s blog. Progress is her middle name! Sign it before it’s too late!

Closing song: Mike Patton — “Deep Down”

Dongtini – Episode 38

April 5, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Paul McCartney told us never to namedrop, the art of the humblebrag,  Simone makes Stephy scream over her hilarious cat nicknames,  Stephy helps launch a petition to fight Mark Driscoll’s reign of terror. HELP WE’RE BEING REPRESSED! COME SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!

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Dongtini – Episode 38

Birdsworth, the Archbishop of Cuterbury

                                 Click here to read Simone’s controversial perspective on the male stripper.

Click here to read the petition against Driscoll.

Click here to read Stephy’s reasons for helping launch the petition.

Closing song: Connie Francis – “Stupid Cupid”

Dongtini — Episode 37

March 29, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: Stephy’s expensive therapy skills finally pay off when she slays an emotional vampire, a listener asks for the Dongtini stance on circumcision, a pink meat-based product inspired by a Dongtini news item, the joys of Let Me Google That For You, and Simone almost missed meeting Jon Hamm because she was watching the Mad Men premiere. 


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Dongtini – Episode 37

The Duncan Trussell Family Hour is Stephy's favorite podcast. Love yourself well and listen to it (said with intent to shame).


Simone's bag she bought in honor of Dr. Conrad Murray


Simone's cock-upping coworker


Closing song: Jessica Paré—”Zou Bisou Bisou”

Dongtini — Episode 36

March 21, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini

On this episode: We are persecuted for our native accents, we eat artisan s’mores and sample electric blankets, Stephy’s husband was banned from a Mars Hill Church event on grounds of being married to an outspoken Mars Hill naysayer, and we answer a voicemail from someone who doesn’t know how to tell his parents he doesn’t want to be a Christian anymore.

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Dongtini – Episode 36

Stephy's gourmet $11 s'mores
Click the image for the Slog post.


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Closing song: Lou Christie—”Lighting Strikes”