Dongtini — Episode 45
May 23, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone is confronted with interpretive dancing and interactive balloon “art,” Stephy used to hate L.A., a listener asks how we deal with being depressed, Simone ordered the “I Am Fortified” at Cafe Gratitude, and Stephy was tortured by country music the entire time she lived in Texas. Plus: miniature horses, Robin Gibb, and are our dongs too pronounced? Be a lamb and take our poll.
Listen now or right click to save and listen later.

Various excellent conversations with Matt Dwyer are here.

You have to see Listener Nadine’s tumblr page WTFChristians.
Closing song: Bee Gees – “Massachusetts”
Your answers to my question are really awesome, so thanks for that. I want to clarify that I’m not really speaking to depression. I get into existential funks without really feeling depressed. It’s more like I get trapped in a big picture mindset and can’t fathom any purpose in the details. It doesn’t really bring me down, but it puts me in a generally unproductive mode. I think when I say “purposeless” or “meaningless,” the automatic assumption is that we’re discussing a state of depression. So I guess here’s an added question: Are people who see life as pointless or meaningless necessarily depressed?
Thanks for having the courage to visit our dong flavoured website, Kate! Sorry we took “funk” to mean “depressed”. I totally want to revisit this because if being in a funk is or isn’t depressed is an excellent question.
I mean, “funk” does mean depressed. You drew a completely fair inference. I used the wrong word. I guess when I think of the actual idea of an existential funk, the “existential” qualifier makes it less about depression for me and more about being overly-contemplative to the point of distraction. Anyway, sorry I phrased it wrong, but it really would be cool if you’re open to exploring the idea of being in an existential “everything is pointless” mode vs. being depressed.
I’ve had several doctors tell me I’m definitely not clinically depressed, even at my lowest of lows. I’ve tried being depressed. I’VE TRIED SO HARD.
I promise that the next time I’m in LA I’ll visit your part of town. My uncle lives in Santa Monica, so I was mostly there, but we wandered a bit and did the touristy stuff like the Getty & Fashion District (both of which I liked). I also dug the La Brea Museum cause I’m a nerd. I remembered the name of that town I said I liked – San Juan Capistrano.
I will totally take more submissions for wtf christians!
Also, shockingly, that “medical book” Driscoll is talking about is written about depression in Christian males. …eesh.
Yes! I followed up with Driscoll telling him that I read reviews of the book and several men stated that the book is marketed for all men but is completely useless for non-Christian men. That’s certainly an unscientific approach for someone with a doctorate but a typical fundamentalist move.
I have a question for Simone re: her burning hatred of all things rap. Does this include The Lonely Island? After all they use rap to make fun of rap, it’s shallowness and braggadocio. So can you listen to that or does people talking fast with to a beat just fundamentally piss you off?
I am not familiar with The Lonely Island! Send some links to! Without having heard it, if it were making fun of it, I might still enjoy the humour of it, but I still wouldn’t sound how it likes. It’s the talking part that really gets to me, I think. The music isn’t my thing at all, but it can vary a lot so it would be silly to say it’s the music. It’s the vocals for sure. I get there’s a talent to that kind of phrasing but it just sounds bad to me. And it’s not that people have to have incredible vocal prowess as shown by my love of Nirvana. I like plenty of stuff with screaming or just mediocre but heartfelt singers. It’s just not for me. Like cilantro. Us cilantro haters have a gene that predisposes us to dislike it!
The wallpaper is great as it is. I’ve opened the page at school. It took me a few visits to Dongtini before I noticed all the thematic art work (bows head in shame). While I like the flying dongs, the wings do evoke a little cognitive dissonance in me (they’re cute, but they’d get in the way and probably get broken).
Re: the bee gees. How can people be that hairy and have voices that high?
Mark ( I want to spell his name Marc because I’m pretty sure he’s just a closeted gay guy) Driscoll’s anger issues are probably demonic (which would explain a lot of things).
“Service” animal (vs. assistance animal), conjures up other images than leading a blind person about.
Great. Now seeing a small horse blowing a guy. *Neigh*!
Regarding the Bee Gees, their chest hair reminds us just how fucking awesome they are. Hairy falsettos! Now that takes BALLS!
Re: wallpaper and other subtle art, only one other person has verbalised awareness of the other thematic art on this site. Be not ashamed! It’s very subtle.
Also! Kansas City is in the midwest, not the south. We are aghast, Simone. Aghast. (Not that there’s anything wrong with the south.)
I did hesitate you know, but it seems more Southern in my mind when you people say dumb things like “Missoura”. Anyhoo, according this unverified source, it’s both! and also this
Your boot heel is bringing you down! As an outsider, while we tend to think of the South as backward, the Midwest seems more boring. Take your pick!
The South is definitely more moist, that’s for bloody sure.
…freaking boot heel. I grew up in Kansas, and although they tried to make us all learn creationism a few years ago, I still stubbornly cling to the fact that Kansas isn’t southern and was a free state. But still, here is a boring PDF from the census bureau defining MO as midwestern! I won’t go down without a fight!
The Missourah thing…I think it is only in the boot heel. Which I guess is almost the south. I can’t take it.
That boot heel is a real kick in the pants! Congrats on your midwestern classification by the census BORED! Ahahahaha! Ya rube.
Simone, why are you so MEAN? Commence tweet war.
Cuz I’m a shallow bitch from the coast, farm girl!
Hamburger? More like, Neil Dongburger.
Is that from last night?
Yep, I saw it on twitter this morning and Donged up them curtains
In all these years I never would have thought of that!
I can’t get the word “Dongburger” out of my head. It’s being said over and over again, slowly.
I had a recent Dongtini close call at work when I paused a podcast at my desk to head to a conference room for a meeting. A group of 5 people were meeting to clean up notes in a program we all use, but nobody else could remember their remote desktop info to pull the program up. That left me to log in, and what greeted us on the projector screen when I did? A Windows Media Player with a martini glass, fuzzy olives, and the words Dongtini. Only one person noticed before I closed it, and thankfully she was cool about it.