Dongtini — Episode 124
March 4, 2015 in Podcast by dongtini
Dressgate, attention policing, the purity of differing opinions, Dawn Cerny’s balls-first performance on conflict and motherhood, Mark Driscoll remains a prick from his self-induced seclusion, is sharing your beliefs with like-minded employees discriminatory?, murder documentary fun, and more false accusations of being pregnant. Rude!
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Dongtini – Episode 124

Closing song: Band of Skulls — “Hollywood Bowl”
Dongtini — Episode 121
February 3, 2015 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Peter Rollins said he can’t be Stephy’s friend anymore, Simone’s ire for Johnny Depp is validated at the box office, the scientists invented a way to send glitter and shit to your enemies, Simone got cable for baseball and it’s only barely worth it, and there was a study where women agreed with compliments and it didn’t go well – well, what did they think would happen?
Listen now or right click to download and listen later!
Dongtini – Episode 121
Closing song: Kate Bush — ” Running Up That Hill”
Tags: comment sections, compliments, discovery channel, fake documentaries, free speech, johnny depp, mortdecai, phone sex scripts, tony jones