Dongtini — Episode 129

June 18, 2015 in Podcast

Stephanie received a disgusting gift, Simone debuts a disgusting combination of words, never google “squirt,” the dirty Dutch dating show “Adam Looking For Eve,” the Australian women’s drama that is superior to OITNB, “It’s a prison of bogans!”, Judah was asked on a date, sexist chapstick, we gag trying to say gross word combinations, and smug moms on social media. **Special Dongtini points awarded to listeners informing the Dude Stick guy that we are talking about his dumb campaign.

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Dongtini – Episode 129


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This is the handprint that made Simone sick. #vaginalfloraThis is the handprint that made Simone sick. #vaginalflora
Does your regular lip balm make you feel like a nancy boy? GET DUDE STICKDoes your regular lip balm make you feel like a nancy boy? GET DUDE STICK

Closing song: Tony Orlando — “Candida”

Dongtini — Episode 86

March 28, 2013 in Podcast

On this episode: Simone reads the recipe for Resurrection Rolls (SPOILER ALERT the tomb is empty) and Stephy thinks Passion Of The Christ is a snuff film. Also: an Amazon review of a David Hasselhoff album, a woman bites off a dong in Florida, The Room’s tell-all book, we hate the word sensual, the eternal dilemma of entitlement, and our favorite thing Neil Hamburger ever said. 

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Dongtini – Episode 86

This is Stephy’s favorite photo ever.
Greg Sestero’s tell-all about “The Room”
The Passion of the Christ is a snuff film.

You know you want some nice homemade Resurrection Rolls.

Closing song: David Hasselhoff — “Hot Shot City”

Dongtini — Episode 60

September 5, 2012 in Podcast

On this episode: the ladies are outraged by Mars Hill’s stupid dating advice, Stephy found a Christian blog that says “when you get to know your husband’s penis, you honor God,” and our husbands read a transcript of one of our episodes (Gregg playing the role of Simone, David playing the role of Stephy). Also: Amazon reviews written by geniuses, fried chicken, BJ camp, and words Simone hates. The onus is on YOU.

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Dongtini – Episode 60

This woman has 3 things she thinks you should probably know about your husband’s dong.

There are dozens and dozens of these.


From Listener Bobby’s spinoff series “Hey, Stop That.”
Art restoration: you’re dong it wrong.

Stephy’s rendering of what an “onus” looks like in her head. (Note: onus is descending. Because it’s on you.)

Closing song: Lydia Parry — “Scream”