Dongtini — Episode 57
August 15, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone was rolled in gaydom at Liza Minelli then floured in De Stijl-y prog at Jack White, Stephy reads a juicy letter from someone who was excommunicated from Mars Hill Church, and Simone queries Stephy about the book of Revelation. Also: Simone interviews Skip Elsheimer from AV Geeks, passwords for parties in hotels, Peter Rollins taught Stephy’s kids a magic trick, the purpose of deconstruction, and a review of an excessively graphic instructional film on sex for people with disabilities.
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The ABC of Sex Education For Trainables, an early bonding point for Simone and Stephy.
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Rather text than talk? Take a trip to Telezonia and learn the fundamentals of using a telephone!

We heart AV Geeks.
Closing song: Superchunk — “Cruel Summer”
Revelation used to make very little sense to me but I recently found a good book that helped put it into context. For one thing, it’s not meant to be a story about the end of the world with a step by step prophetic checklist the way the Left Behind guys use it. After all that would make no fucking sense! Why would John write this letter to churches suffering under Roman oppression but be all “BTW, this is going to mean nothing to you or your children or your grandchildren but no worries, in over 2000 years it will totally be helpful to someone!”
The style just seems weird now because the genre has fallen out of use but the original readers knew how apocalypses worked. I think the best recent example is A Christmas Carol which you could just as easily have called The Apocalypse of Ebenezer Scrooge. In this genre the author goes on spiritual journey, sees fantastic things, meets strange beings and comes back a changed man with a message for everyone. Revelation is a story of hope for oppressed people living under a brutal empire. It was written for Christians under Rome but it’s an indictment of powerful empires throughout time.
I don’t think it’s about the Antichrist and his one world government persecuting Christians. The antichrist isn’t even mentioned in the book! Neither is the Rapture.
Oh and on the subject of why do Atheists get vocal and care so much if they don’t even believe, Libby Anne of Love, Joy, Feminism said it well:
“Think about it this way. Do we have “I don’t believe in fairies” clubs? No. We just…don’t believe in fairies. And that’s it. And if we did try having “I don’t believe in fairies” clubs, what would everyone even be united by anyway? What would they have in common? Common politics? Common beliefs about gender roles? Common positions on LGBTQ rights? No. Nothing. Nothing at all except their lack of belief in fairies.
Now of course, there is a bit of a difference when it comes to atheists living in the U.S. First, our culture is so predominantly religious, especially in certain areas of the country, that those who aren’t religious often feel the need for a sort of support group. And because of the Christian Right and the mixing of religion and politics by evangelicals and fundamentalists.
So back to the fairies thing. What if the majority of people in the country believed in fairies, and you were seen as strange and out of place if you didn’t? What if some (not all, just some) of the people who believed in fairies were trying to legislate based on that? In that case, there would be reason for local “I don’t believe in fairies” groups and national “I don’t believe in fairies” clubs.”
Totally, there’s that. Kind of like my vitriol towards Mark Driscoll indicates that I’m outraged at what he teaches that he says is of God. If I were in simple disagreement it wouldn’t bother me and I’d go about my own bidness, but he is getting sideways of something that’s very dear to me so that’s why I get riled up, like you say about the majority of the country believing in fairies. (faeries? hmm.) But anyway, Peter talks about that more in this long-ass and amazingly wonderful lecture, if anyone has time or inclination —
I’ve only been listening to a few dongtini episodes, but this shit this week is fucked up. After work, I’m all alone in my office finishing up charts and I can listen to these two crack whores talk incessantly about dongs, retards, rape, and other shit. Like a Republican with a good health care plan, this time after work is mine.
Growing up, if someone told me I’d be listening to two genitalia-obsessed bitches discuss life after seeing patients, I would have nut-punched him. Anyhow, I must stay on topic. The ABCs of sex ed for trainables? What is that, I thought. I had another hour to myself before my spouse and kid came home, so I grilled up a steak and sat down to view what was going to be one of the most fucked up short films I’ve seen in awhile.
So, I grilled a juicy ass steak that would make most guys turn and look away from their shaved beaver rags. As I’m chewing all I could think was that I was chewing on smegma-encrusted, trainable pussy fingering herself at the table. And oddly, I couldn’t stop eating the steak. Fucking yuck!
Screw that shit. That must be what it feels to be an HIV positive transvestite whore being forced to watch the 700 club. Don’t get me wrong. As an American and Chicagoan, I like my cars big, my porn interracial, and shame on my fat ass if I don’t like a good drunken late night burrito. However, this video made me feel uncomfortable and alone.
Holy moly, I’m going to need some time to be cleansed.
YES. Just…YES.
magnificent poіnts altogethеr, yοu ϳust gainеd a brаnd new reаder.
What could you гecommend about уour publіsh that yоu mаԁe some days in the past?
Any positiѵe?