Dongtini — Episode 47

June 6, 2012 in Podcast

On this episode: Stephy is tormented by her least favorite words, Simone was sorted into fucking Hufflepuff, Kings of Leon are the new Nickelback, and does them calling it rock mean we have to call it rock? Plus: Napalm Death, Jerry Only, Richard Simmons, dong wallpaper poll results, and Veet for Men vs. knob and bollocks.

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Dongtini – Episode 47

Simone Richard Stephy
Simone Stephy Richard and Listener Jona!
Simone receives disgruntled tweets.
On Pottermore, The Sorting Hat placed Simone in Hufflepuff which apparently is like going to fat camp in the wizarding world.
Competitive Simone (Green 1) kicks ass at laser tag and basks in the respect of a handful of nerds.
Stephy received a Jerry Only action figure from Listener Kevin


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See informative Amazon reviews of gastric bypass tubes used by civilians here.  (Thanks, Listener Jona)

Closing song: Unknown violinist and cellist via YouTube — “The Legend of Zelda (Dungeon Theme)”

Dongtini — Episode 16

November 2, 2011 in Podcast

On this episode: Stephy and Simone’s earliest dong memories, the origin of the word “dongtini,” Simone’s drunken online purchases, our first times, and has anyone ever liked an opening band?


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Simone took this of Beth Gibbons. She had a good seat.
Pedro The Lion is one of the two cover bands Stephy ever loved. Here is Bazan, Dongtini listener and force behind Pedro the Lion, playing “Once They Really Get To Know You They Will Run”:
Stephy was at this Death Cab For Cutie show (1/23/99) that Pedro the Lion opened for:

Stephy’s least favorite opening act ever

Official song of Dongtini, if they would just change “head” to “dong”:
“Man With Complete Mama’s Family Video Library Never Going On eBay Drunk Again.” —the Onion article
Simone + internet + Tanqueray = 3 of these
Stephy’s senior prom pic, 1993. NOT a Glamour Shot.
No joke, that last soundwave, the one that looks like a dong, IS Simone saying “dong”!

Closing song: Daiquiri — “Opening Act”