Dongtini — Episode 47
June 6, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Stephy is tormented by her least favorite words, Simone was sorted into fucking Hufflepuff, Kings of Leon are the new Nickelback, and does them calling it rock mean we have to call it rock? Plus: Napalm Death, Jerry Only, Richard Simmons, dong wallpaper poll results, and Veet for Men vs. knob and bollocks.
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See informative Amazon reviews of gastric bypass tubes used by civilians here. (Thanks, Listener Jona)
Closing song: Unknown violinist and cellist via YouTube — “The Legend of Zelda (Dungeon Theme)”
You’re welcome!
At “She was drinking a big Dairy Queen shake” I DIIIIIED.
I just had a hysterical laughter attack in the canned food isle at the supermarket thanks to that moist panties story! I didn’t even care that people were looking, I nearly died laughing. This is what I get for listening to Dongtini during my morning chores!
On the rock music question, I know that musically she doesn’t qualify as a rocker by even the loosest definition of the word, but when it comes to attitude, lifestyle, stage presence and general theatricality Lady Gaga is far more Rock ‘n Roll than just about any of the blandly interchangeable scruffy looking hipster “rockers” in the business!
Your laughing fit delights me no end!
You raise a good point about Gaga being more “rock n’ roll” than any of the “rock” music out there, but her music SO isn’t rock. But then again, what would Bill Haley say about any of this?
Also, we can’t forget the tragic hair metal of the 80s. It was rock, but it was so wimpy!
Ah yes, the 80’s was such a magical time! Back then a man could look and dress like Axl Rose and sing about how “faggots” needed to stay out of his way with zero sense of irony!
Eugene is fast becoming one of my favorite listeners.
Awww, you say the sweetest things! That totally made my month! Is it because my comment icon looks like a dong? Because I thought that was wildly appropriate!
You guys are an absolute joy to listen to btw. Dongtini is a highlight of every week, it’s never short of wonderful.
I can never figure out if Richard Simmons is for real or if he’s just totally contrived. A big haired, chunky exercise guru?
Judah sounds like a hoot. If he likes Weird Al, he’d probably enjoy the classic movie UHF and maybe introduce him to The Mothers as part of his ongoing education (Stephy, you are such a good mother)
On a totally unrelated to anything topic, Stephy, next time Simone is visiting you in Seattle, take her to Can Can, would love to hear the two of you do a review. Oh, oh, I can tie it in… everyone leaves the show with moist panties.
Paul, he is for REAL! He’s not skinny, but he’s healthy and toned! He use to be a fat kid and he’s no longer that. I think when you work out with him you get a good window into what he’s about and where he knows it’s a show because it’s a good combo on sincere and being over the top! Like when pretends to drool! I think he’s trying to tell us we’re working out like retards and to step it up.
I am up for this Can Can expedition! Sounds like a treat! (I may be back there in September. Panties crossed!)
PANTIES CROSSED! hahahahahahahahahaaaa
I was in tears this morning at hearing Judah say “Moist panties” in public! He is so going to hate when you tell that story in years to come! I look foward to it!!
BTW, you ladies have your stereotypes mixed up. Nerdy GUYS are the ones who never have sex. Geek GIRLS are just about the hottest thing ever! Everyone wants one!
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
I think this whole nerd thing is very complex. There are two tiers of nerds on both sides. There are cute ones that aren’t stylish, but have cool glasses and like to “nerd out” about cool things and are socially awkward. Then there are ultra nerds who can’t get a date because they spend all their free time thinking about trying to bag Robert Pattinson and making scrapbooks about him and guys who would rather talk about Star Wars to each other than talk to a potential mate who’s into Star Trek. No-one wants to fuck these people.
I refuse to count Twi-ards amongst the nerds on general principles! Having a sparkly vampire scrapbook should count as a lifetime ban from the Geek community!
Geeking out over Buffy (which I so do!) is something else entirely!!
Spacing on the name of that young actress who seems really hip but confesses to be a total nerd. Anybody?
I don’t know why, but I was literally SHOCKED to learn that you can give yourself a gastric bypass! Whaaaaaaat?!
I followed the link to the product page for the gastric bypass tubes, and found this:
Sample review sentence:
“I certainly can’t find a better way to spend a hundred and sixty five bucks than on a rubber scrotum.”
I wish Carnie Wilson had performed her own gastric bypass online!
I thought for sure this self-gastric-bypass thing was a joke. Are they…really…you can do this?