On this episode: a Very Jesus Dongtini™ in which atheist Simone reads a Christian email forward and Stephy is pissed about the World Vision bullshit. Also: Mark Driscoll’s “apology,” atheism for Lent, a Sonic Youth debate, Harry Potter’s wiener, Kevin Trudeau, words we hate, and a monumental new development in Simone’s Pasta Sauce Drive has transpired.
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Dongtini – Episode 104
A Young Doctor’s Notebook starring Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe can be found on Netflix streaming!
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Kevin Trudeau Infomercial – “Your Wish Is Your Command”
Here is your one stop shop for Mars Hill semblances of apology: Mark Driscoll’s apology, Jeff Breakfast’s apology, former Mars Hill pastor’s apologies, and former Mars Hill pastors call for an evacuation of Mars Hill.

Dongtini sponsors kids in need! Choose a charity! Both are great, but one can’t be forced to discriminate against gays.
Plan is the secular organisation through which Simone sponsors a child (she signed up since the recording!) and has sponsored through previously. Click on the image to sponsor a child today!

World Vision is the Christian Organisation through which Stephy sponsors a child. Click on the image to sponsor a child today!
Closing song: Handsome Family — “Far From Any Road”