Dongtini — Episode 62
September 19, 2012 in Podcast, Uncategorized by dongtini
On this episode: Simone receives a divine revelation from Tim Gunn, Stephy rants about self-indulgent sermon intro videos in church, and scientists are growing dongs in petri dishes. Also: Mormon fundamentalism, death by silicone dong injection, Supergrass worship, the state with the highest porn and antidepressant consumption, Judah’s Ideas for Improving Stephen Hawking’s Life, Uplifting Dong News, Simone makes it work, and the phone call deciding Dongtini’s fate almost didn’t happen. Who’s the boss now, Tony Danza?
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“Andre, you really embarrassed me tonight at Red Lobster.”
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Take one of an expensive wanky church video. Don’t think about how many hungry people this could have fed.
And here is Michael Buckingham’s post on sermon series intro videos that made Stephy so very sad.
Closing song: Elton John feat. Simone Turkington — “Tony Danza
ZOMG Simone!
That is AWESOME. I don’t watch PR these days (IMO, the Bravo years were better), but I still love me some Tim Gunn, so YAY! \o/
Thanks Shelley! Even when people stop watching PR, the love and respect for Tim never wanes!
The first season on Lifetime was a bit of a mess, but I think they’re back up to speed now! When they went to that LA Mood, it was a joke. I walked by it a few times when I worked at a trade show in the fashion district and it was like someone’s garage.
Did you guys see that old South Park episode when they took on the story of Mormonism? That was great stuff.
If the Old Testament was the first movie with the New Testament being the less action filled sequel that only references all the colourful characters from the first movie, Mormonism would be like the weird internet fanfic written about the franchise! Or maybe Mormonism is just God’s punishment on Christians so they can know what they made the Jews feel like!
Oh and there are subliminal messaging now? Stay out of my head Dongtini, I’m on to you!!
The bad news with the lab grown dongs is that they can’t build that cellular scaffolding for it from scratch, they need a donor dong to build a new one for someone!
You two are great, but I had to pause the show long enough to tell you, Simone, that you are particularly adept in painting a verbal picture for your listener. (Stephy, you’re good too, and I love you, so don’t take it as a snub.) But Simone, I’ve noticed from time to time that you recognize when something is said that needs more context or clarifying, and you seem to have a very natural talent at keeping everyone up to speed with just enough detail. Podcasting was designed with you in mind. Keep up the great work.
By the way, Simone, Sri Lanka was great, even though I was there in low season. That just made it great for different reasons. But it made me wonder: How much Buddhist influence did you have growing up? If there is any degree of back story for you regarding Sri Lankan Buddhist culture and how that does or does not relate to your Atheism, I would love to hear some expository on an upcoming show.
My family is/was all Christian. They are the Dutch and English Burghers who took over Sri Lankan hundreds of years ago, so they are very European culturally, but with a lot of curry. I remember they were building a Buddhist temple in Melbourne and my grandma said “they shouldn’t allow it”! Also, my dad told me that he got into a nasty fight with a kid who was teasing him about Jesus, so while they were surrounded by Buddhists, or whatever other religions are there, they were very insulated within their community in being Christians.
Wow! Thank you SO MUCH, Mark! As someone in a perpetual state of terror of babbling who then subsequently nervously trims things, leaving out important details, I’m glad to hear it you think I’ve found the right balance!
Audio mixing note: A bit heavy on the Tony Danza theme song repeats. Are you torturing us, or was it a ‘quick mix’ week?
Okay, seriously. I love your show, but if you Danza us one more time, I will be forced to stop listening, or at the very least resort to reading text-based transcripts of the dialogue (which would be a shame, because everything except that damned song is so great!). And, yes. I did just turn Tony Danza into a verb.
Okay… I know I’m commenting a lot today, and I’m sorry for the hubris that I apparently have to think that I have so many interesting things to say. This will be the last, I promise.
Mormonism: what a great subject to tackle. I can vouch for the weirdness of it in general, and totally believe the statistics that Stephy mentioned about antidepressants and pornography. A old buddy of mine is now married to a former Utah Mormon woman. In only a couple of years of marriage, he has caught her younger 18-year-old brother sleeping with his 13-year-old daughter from a previous marriage (well, making every attempt to, anyway) and found that his wife very likely suffered from sexual abuse in the home and has some serious sexual issues in their marriage as a result.
My brother used to witness at the Mormon Temple in Mesa, AZ during the holidays when they had huge events there and I heard a lot of weird things about Mormonism as a result of his studying up and interactions. Mostly, I would say that it is very important in Mormonism to ‘fit the mold’ and have good outward appearances. Because of this, the repressed human tensions are manifested in sometimes creepy, unhealthy, immoral and even illegal ways, and there is massive cultural pressure to hide it in the seedy, unseen subculture of the religion. I’m no fan of religion in general, but these ones are especially wacky. As Simone pointed out, we’re fortunate that the history of the religion is relatively short so that the shadiness of how it has developed is easily unearthed. On the racism issue, the President of the LDS Church didn’t just have a conveniently-timed revelation about the church’s treatment of black people because of the civil rights movement. They were also proselytizing countries in Central and South America, and needed their message to resonate and spread. For all of its’ faults, the LDS church has a very respectable advertising and growth strategy cooked in, with all the pressure on kids to all do a mission right out of high school on their own dime.
The “Breakthrough” gang is only slightly dyslexic. What they meant to say was “creatively ridiculous.” (at which they are a smashing success). OMG, where do you find these people? It’s scary to think how many people give these guys money.
Simone, you are wonderfully put together. You look like you could have walked off the Mad Men set.
Dongs from a petri dish, definitely an advance from the dong erector set I had as a kid (and more “uplifting” too).
Mormonism. Their name says it all. Only one letter evolved from moronism.
Thanks for the great show, ya’ll are a riot.
Thank-you, Paul! I’m delighted to keep hearing that from Tim Gunn and beyond!
I’m so glad Stephy said “growing dongs in petri dish”. It never ceases to delight me!
Oh “Who’s the boss” theme will forever haunt me! I was laughing so hard at first cos you would run from the other room to start it again and I thought the gag was for me, but waaaay too much! I kept having to go back cos I kept getting distracted by it! Good work! Yay I have 1 more to listen to! Keep up the great work ladies!! x x
The incident you speak of was the inspiration! When I put it in once it seemed wrong to just stop there….and so it went.