Dongtini – Episode 112
September 22, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone saw the Penis Monologues in Scotland, Stephy’s formidable enemy Mark Driscoll is finally circling the drain, and an unsolicited dick pic involving a bookmark was discussed. Also: Simone did a live stage reading of The Room script with Greg Sestero (OH HI MARK), turns out the Irish pronounce “arse” the way Stephy does, Simone had a challenging crying scene in an upcoming blockbuster, Stephy is a penis home because Mark Driscoll says so, Simone got to do a real live Project Runway challenge (she called it Project Dumbway), the best name ever belongs to someone in Florida (of course), and two memorable dongs made the news.
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Simone’s Project Dumbway pieces

Driscoll got the front page of the New York Times…for all the wrong reasons.
Closing song: Supergrass – “In It For The Money”
Hi S & S,
Still listening to the episode (great per usual) but I take great offense to Simone’s “planet shit” label (re: accepting of Scientology). Xenu will not be pleased!
Well Nate, if it makes you feel better I equally apply “planet shit” to the Mormon planet, and am also happy to substitute “planet” for “heaven”. I’m an equal opportunity afterlife denier!
So good to have you back! You are the only podcast who would spend 10 minutes on the refractory period of British plumbing (which is either the dullest academic study ever OR a 1970’s prog rock band).
Thanks Mark! I’ll go with the latter!
I was so excited to see a new episode of Dongtini! I’ve been listening for about a year now but never left a comment. I am not a seasoned internet commenter and it makes me very nervous. I was equal parts prideful and horrified to hear that my home state (Minnesota) had a dong in the news! This story also left me feeling very nervous.
Has someone already sent you a link to the (very NSFW obviously) “Critique my Dick Pic” page? It’s a collection of almost excessively nice and polite dick pic reviews —
(and I love their use of the term “porky pigging” in this (ALSO VERY NSFW!) post —
Anyway, keep up the great podcasting!
Thank you, Jessica for overcoming your nervousness and joining the Dongversation! Congratulations on your local Dong in the News! I cannot wait to view these polite dong reviews! I’m currently at W, so NSF. Emailing to myself now!
Thanks for listening!
Well, if we’re going down this route, there was a particularly popular post on Reddit a few days ago entitled “Gallery of Weird Penises”… there’s a couple in there that I really think the owner should seek medical advice about.
*Super NSFW!*