Dongtini — Episode 106
April 30, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone was forced to ride something even bigger than a stretched Hummer, Stephy is terrified her boss will find pictures of hot dogs on her hard drive, and we marvel at the Wu-Tang wiener saga. Also: fun mental health updates, third-world outreach, an embarrassment of dong riches, pedophilia rehabilitation, “Nobody judges a thumb,” fragrant memory associations, and the Bartman. “Do you have a minute for the environment?” “NO.”
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Simone with her teen idols, Ugly Kid Joe post private show
The ridiculous car Simone rode in in Las Vegas.
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Simone’s beloved fragrance The Soft Lawn by Imaginary Authors. Click here to visit their website and
learn about Claude LeCoq, Lenora Blumburg, Devante Valereo and more!
Here is the Tarred and Feathered piece on pedophiles on This American Life.
Closing song: Brian Wilson — “Smart Girls”
I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the Tarred and Feathered piece.
Even as a victim of abuse, I find myself moved to compassion for pedophiles at times, especially when they are so vulnerable and genuine about how their affliction affects their lives.
I remember seeing the Kevin Bacon movie “The Woodsman” and gaining a whole new level of empathy for offenders.
We hear that this young man on This American Life is attracted to 3-8 year olds, and of course it makes us sick…but the thing is, it makes HIM sick, too.
And I feel like that makes a world of difference, to know that he is just as alarmed and overwhelmed by it. I think he’s brave, and I feel genuine admiration for him.
Thanks for your comment, Stacey! It’s good to hear from someone who has been a victim for more perspective and I’m glad you see it as I do. And you’re right, he’s horrified himself so help really should be available to him. Thanks for sharing!
I know I had some smart, insightful comments while listening to the show but after listening to that Brian Wilson atrocity at the end all my thoughts have turned to screaming.
I needed this episode today so much…SO MUCH. Someone posted a news item on Facebook about sex offenders, and how the way the laws are set up in many states to make dying the only way out from under the stigma (and off the sex offender registry). I mean, you get on that list and it affects where you live, whether you can get a job, everything. And if you get caught peeing in public near an elementary school you could ruin your life. Anyway, I mentioned the TAL piece in regard to removing the stigma of people who have the urge to commit sexual offenses and getting them help and all hell broke loose. One lady was adamant that every person who committed a sex crime should be outright murdered. She told us all that she is the first person to pick up a cockroach off the floor and put it outside but ALL SEX OFFENDERS SHOULD BE MURDERED PERIOD. She asked me (since I suggested that understanding and compassion should be part of the conversation) if I would want to “be near” someone who had committed a sex crime. I said I probably already was every day of my life and I wouldn’t know, so that’s why I’m just vigilant and thoughtful about my surroundings all the time. So she accused me of victim blaming since CLEARLY I was saying that rape victims just aren’t being thoughtful enough.
Good lord.
Anyway, it really upset me, more than a Facebook conversation with a stranger has EVER upset me, and I listened to this on the way home and remembered that not everyone is totally devoid of compassion.
Two thoughts about Covenant Spice:
Firstly,she would be the worst spice girl because she’d be the one wearing a purity ring, not a catholic schoolgirl outfit!
Secondly, you always hear from (conservative) Christians how everyone is ramming things down their throat. Gays are shoving their homosexual lifestyles down their throats, Atheists and everyone who believes differently are shoving their beliefs down their throats whenever they speak up. Talk about projection, it’s Christian Culture that’s constantly shoving things where they don’t belong! Seems like whenever something exists they just have to force Jesus in there and jizz Christianity all over it. Getting really tired of that!