Dongtini — Episode 61
September 12, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone is troubled by Nerve’s list of the sexiest women in comedy, we have diseased wiener reports from a real live dong physician, and Stephy’s doctor is way too hot. Also: marital discord, Sassy magazine, the post-argument high, getting high-pressure sales pitches from artist friends, undocumented women affected by violence, the new Neil Hamburger podcast, when friends become critically ill, and Stephy’s new and continued adventures in texting wrong numbers.
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Bic for her commercial
Closing song: Kahimi Karie — “Good Morning World”
Over heard in office of apartment complex:
“Ohhh! Hey, how are you? I neva see you long time!”
“I’m good, I’m good, taking care of deez damn kids”
“Ah, how’s your cousin? He good?”
“Yeah, he’s like, whatevas.”
“How’s… ah what his fada’s name?”
“Oh damn uncle, I neva remember, I neva see him long time”
*long silent pause*
“DONG! Dong is his name!”
“Yeah, yeah, Dong!”
*in hawaii family relation terms like ‘uncle’ and ‘cousin’ don’t really mean anything.
The saying is “Houseguests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days!” Yeah Simone come over on Friday! You can come over and watch.
Thanks for the kind words you guys! I think I understand the importance of SCCL on a much more fundamental level now.
I was raised in a culture where a pastor is a sort of demi-god who had an anointing from God and all kinds of magic powers that came with that. Things you heard from the pulpit were TRUTH, no matter what. Things you heard in church were TRUE.
I don’t really have the words to describe how healing it was to actually sit in church again and be able to categorically reject something that’s clearly bullshit. It’s one thing to intellectually know this while sitting at home but to be there face to face with “God’s anointed” and still think “you’re an ignorant, self aggrandizing, money grubbing liar and I don’t like you” felt like… freedom I guess is the best word for it. People do lie in church, pastors are not exalted prophets of God. That is why the freedom to mock and disrespect and laugh at people like Pat Robertson for instance, is so important. It strips them from all their power. Church should not be exempt from scrutiny and pastors shouldn’t get automatic respect and reverence. People should only get respect if they earned it, clergy (and their institutions) most definitely included!
That makes me so happy, Eugene!
if only we could strip Pat Robertson of his MONEY! He a rich muhfuhha!
I’ve been listening to Dongtini nonstop for weeks getting caught up (and loving every minute of it), so my comments will be several months behind. Anyway, when Stephanie was trying very kindly to see things from the ungrateful photographer’s point of view, it made me think of something David Rakoff wrote (paraphrased): “Let’s pretend for a moment that all artists aren’t obliteratingly self-absorbed.” My vote is, the guy is an ungrateful prick who thinks everyone owes him something, because he’s an artist. He should’ve given Simone a copy of his book and been grateful for her help. Her work and time are no less valuable than his. Fuck that guy.