Dongtini — Episode 28
January 25, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Seattle’s snowmageddon thwarts Simone’s visit to Stephy, debauchery in a drive-thru, the gift of penis straws, hilarious parodies of cult-ish megachurch leaders, and are goatees the new mullet?
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Simone’s magic kit, recently uncovered in Melbourne.
Guess which McDonald’s food item this is. Hint: it’s some kind of “meat.” |
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Stephy and a dong straw from listeners Chris & Carol! Fanks |
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Axl Rose reporting for jury duty. |
Parody of Steven Furtick’s “Hey Haters” video which we hope was
directed at Jeff Breakfast’s entry for Steven’s church planting competition.
directed at Jeff Breakfast’s entry for Steven’s church planting competition.
The best Hitler parody video ever made? Hitler rants about Mark Driscoll.
Stephy thinks this may be the greatest thing humanity has accomplished this century.
Insane true story of spiritual abuse at Mars Hill church by blog Jesus Needs New PR. Click the image of Mark Driscoll to read and be sure to check out part two. |
Closing song: Perry Como—”Seattle”
I never wanted to wear pjs outside, but when I was about 6, I really wanted to wear my underoos in public, but my mother wouldn't let me since it was tacky. Of course, at my 7th b-day party, stupid Tamara Marziani wore her underoos to my party at Chucky Cheese and that wasn't a problem. I was confused, but started to understand that somethings were just wrong and people did it anyways.
Simone, please don't read this if you're very serious about not knowing how the magic trick was done! I'm no magician and I didn't see the trick but it sounds like it could have been Shape Memory Metal. It's pretty cool to watch, it has one shape when it's warm and another when it's cold. I'm only mentioning this because you can buy spoons made of this alloy in case you ever feel like astounding and amazing people again!
Mary, I read your comment out to Stephy just after we recorded the next episode and we LOLed heartily. We may have to read this out on the next show! (that would be ep 20, I think)
Eugene, I couldn't resist reading on! That paperclip video was amazing! It didn't really ruin it for me because I knew it was SOMETHING other than magic.
After an exhaustive five-minute study, my people and I have concluded that pink shit is nearly indistinguishable from Pastor Steve Fistfuck's brain. MAKES YOU THINK
Huh! It does have a certain Jackie-O's-mussed-suit-in-Dallas quality.Have your people call my people.
The mechanical meat thing refers to mechanically separated meat, which is definitely what that picture is, and I believe that picture is probably what McDonald's was talking about.
They switched to all-white meat in 2003 (I swear I don't work for them, I'm just a psycho about checking everything people post on facebook).
Not that that justifies prostituting yourself. Also that whole snopes article just says yes, mechanically separated meat is a thing, yes, it's gross, but no, McDonald's doesn't use it.
My mom was also crazy about not wearing PJs out of the house, and now I live with that hang-up, too. I can't even go out in workout wear unless I'm actually working out.
This comment is already long but I might be back to comment on this Furtick business after I'm done listening….
Stephy is forgetting Tom Kha Kai and Arrested Development. Nevertheless, I thank her for nominating Hitler's rant.
My people are under a discipline contract, but they will contact you as soon as they've attended all required meetings with pastors or elders or other designated persons with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. So maybe Wednesday? (Our meetings are short and continuous, but they make up for it in brutality.)
HAHA! I just got off the phone with The Stranger, they were asking me about Mars Hill for an article they're writing on it. BRING ON THE EXPOSE!
Just so you know-they were the best underoos too—wonder woman.
I’m catching up on old Dongtini podcasts (loving every minute of them) and just watched the parody “Hey Haters” video at my desk at work. I had to stop half way through, because I couldn’t hold in my snorts or tears. The voice sounded like one of the hillbillies from the Simpsons episode, “Grandpa vs. Sexual Inadequacy.” I recall Simone pulling out some good old Simpsons references, so she may remember this.
“I’m not convinced. I’ve had bad luck with aphrodisiacs.”