Dongtini — Episode 17
November 9, 2011 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: touching the brains of deceased Chinese political prisoners, receiving tragic news late at night, Christians are assholes, and a hard look at Christian love is taken before reverting the conversation back to wieners. (Sound news: Stephy was distorting all over the place, you’ll just have to deal with it.)
Listen now or right click to save and listen later!
Closing song: East 17 – “House Of Love”
I really like the discussion about whether certain virtues are more exclusively "Jesus virtues." I'm pretty well convinced that all humans have the capacity to do as much "good" or "bad" as they want. I am a more compassionate person than my oldest sister (she would admit this), yet she's the one who is a Christian. I am glad some of my friends are Christians, because I don't think they'd be very nice people if they weren't motivated by something a book tells them is Right.
Also, I want a friend with whom I can resort to dong-talk whenever I want. Craigslist it is.
re: discussion on how you define yourself (or not) as a Christian. Stephy, have you heard the term 'reverent agnostic'? I like it, gets people thinking -you can see the brain cogs whirring. Sometimes when asked I say that I'm an anti-establishment, non-conformist ratbag Christian (add extra adjectives etc). These type of descriptions are needed for the benefit of those who can't think without labels and need to fit you into a perfect box. If I'm talking with fundies, I usually say with a straight face 'mmm, sometimes I'm a Christian'. With lukewarm, back-sliding overtones that usually does their heads in !
I like that. My thing is kind of not complying with people who can't think without labels and need to fit people into boxes. David Dark says that we're all agnostic and I think there's something to that.