Dongtini — Episode 128
June 2, 2015 in Podcast
On this episode: The fall of the Duggars makes for 21 dongs and counting, the word “squirt” is gross but pretentious chocolate is delicious, and Stephy commiserates with Simone about memory hoarding. Also: a cat named Sirloin Beeftips, who uses the default tone?!, a listener call about the Squit app, Taco Bell News™, letters of complaint to makers of pretentious chocolate, using Shazam for songs that you hate, and a very rambunctious Dong In The News™. **SPECIAL NOTE: Stephy says that Jordan Root from The Village Church actually committed abuse against children, but upon investigation, at this writing he has only admitted to viewing material featuring children and fantasizing to thoughts of children under his care.**
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Dongtini – Episode 128

Closing song: Faith No More — “Sol Invictus”