Dongtini — Episode 124
March 4, 2015 in Podcast by dongtini
Dressgate, attention policing, the purity of differing opinions, Dawn Cerny’s balls-first performance on conflict and motherhood, Mark Driscoll remains a prick from his self-induced seclusion, is sharing your beliefs with like-minded employees discriminatory?, murder documentary fun, and more false accusations of being pregnant. Rude!
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Dongtini – Episode 124

Closing song: Band of Skulls — “Hollywood Bowl”
Thanks to time zones the whole dress thing happened while I was sleeping and so it was like waking up to the apocalypse! I went to sleep safe in the knowledge that I had a grasp of how the world worked and woke up to find everyone fighting and not understanding why! It was a while before I even found out where it all started so I spent most of the morning scared and confused. People were talking and I knew all the words they were using but the stuff they were saying made no sense!!
Anyway, the dress is clearly violet and gold, I don’t know what everyone is on about.
Hi Stephanie, Hi Simone!
Bad news/good news: I didn’t care about the dress! Second hand, I figured it out that it was a colour perception thing which I’ve seen before. That was about it. The good news is now I’ve just heard you guys talk about it for 25+ minutes, so I now know all about it. Hah!
This was the only noise I made about it though, clearly a goof with a wider target:
By the way, I thought it was gold/white.
A little more information about the Atlanta fire chief. When Christians are playing the martyr (their favorite role), they often [always] don’t tell the whole story.