Dongtini — Episode 121
February 3, 2015 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Peter Rollins said he can’t be Stephy’s friend anymore, Simone’s ire for Johnny Depp is validated at the box office, the scientists invented a way to send glitter and shit to your enemies, Simone got cable for baseball and it’s only barely worth it, and there was a study where women agreed with compliments and it didn’t go well – well, what did they think would happen?
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Dongtini – Episode 121

Closing song: Kate Bush — ” Running Up That Hill”
That ship your enemies glitter company isn’t real, or it is now but it wasn’t or maybe it sort of used to be? It’s very confusing, it’s like Schrodinger’s Business (Blowhard!)
Anyway, it seems like this guy just created a media frenzy over his company that may or may not have ever existed and then he sold it for $85000!
Is it possible to be both shocked and not at all surprised by Peter Rollins disavowment of Stephanie? It seems even the most progressive of Christians has to boot a friend to touch when he has a book coming out.
Speaking of billy big boots words dropped into the podcast, Stephanie got away with a “holistic” completely unchallenged and I have to speak out about it, for the marginalised Dongtini listeners who think that word is complete ARSE.
I said “holistic”? I have to go back and find where I did that. NO MEMORY! #40
29.46 Stephy, while you’re talking about the monk chap.
It’s quite frankly unforgivable!
Goddamn, it IS.
I forgot to add, I’m going to make ringtones of Simone reading that filth at the end of the episode!
Hi Stephanie! Hi Simone!
Another good episode, but… I didn’t really like the producer inserting himself into the middle with his own anecdote about an awkward meeting with someone with an underdeveloped appendage. It made it feel like a bit of a pile-on at that point and a bit mean spirited.
But hey, maybe I’m just being a whiny little bitch!
Still loved it.
Nate, “the producer”? I’M the producer! That was listener Jonathan who Voxed that to me and Stephy and I wanted to include it so I recorded it off my phone. I thought to add it after we recorded, hence no formal intro and since it wasn’t called into the Dongline, I didn’t use the Dongline intro. I didn’t think it was any more mean spirited than anything we said, though! No matter, I don’t mind if you didn’t like that, but I DO mind that after all my hours spent each week editing and producing, you thought some guy was doing it! Grrrrrrr!
Simone! I’m so sorry!
I must have missed the transition and suddenly there was a gentleman’s voice. I’m embarrassed and ashamed. You do a great job. It was my bias that a man might stick his nose in where it don’t belong.
Please accept my apology.
Well if that’s the real complaint, Nate, I can’t really blame you!