Dongtini – Episode 109
July 2, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini
On today’s show, the ladies cope with aging very well indeed, terrifying toilets are unpacked, dongs and their associates are in the news in Titanic proportions, Women’s Health tells you not to apologise and the proceeds to make you feel bad, daddy/daughter dates make most people uncomfortable and getting trapped in a room with a zombie is fun!
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Kiwi DECK sealant commercial! They can’t say “deck” properly!
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The sperm extraction machine!
See if Trapped in a Room with a Zombie is happening in your town!

Closing song: Rick Astley – “Never Gonna Give You Up”
Re: Forgetting your age.. I’m 44, and yes Simone, it does get worse as you get older. Those drop down boxes that ask you your age are an absolute terror as you get older.
I was listening to this episode in the queue at the post office, and when you reached the giant ballsack story and I realised that you’d underscored it with “Nutbush City Limits” I started giggling so hard that the tiny octogenarian old lady behind me in the queue tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I was OK. That’s the power of Dongtini.
Never sat on a padded toilet seat but I have had to use toilets with knitted toilet seat cozies (they seem to be real popular with old people) and those just seem like the grossest thing in the world. It’s like having carpet in the bathroom times 20!
Awesome points about privilege-shaming. I can’t stand it when fundifems and others of that ilk speak to me as if my white privilege is supposed to erase the female un-privilege, the childhood abuse, and the undiagnosed PTSD. I also can’t stand when they try to make it seem like I just “think” my dad was the better parent because he’s a white male. No, I’m pretty sure it’s because he didn’t beat me up.
I think abuse survivors of all races and genders know very well what it’s like to be oppressed/live with the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads. That’s rarely taken into account when we have these discussions, and I think it should be.
I so so agree about the aging thing-I’m turning 40 in about 2 months and have no problem with it as I look much better now (Healthwise) than when I was in my 20’s/early 30’s. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says and am much more confident. I’ve also reached so many of my personal goals and feel awesome about where I am in life.