Dongtini — Episode 91
May 1, 2013 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Stephy is uncharacteristically startled by an onslaught of dongs, Simone gets sentimental about Muppet Babies, and everyone is emotional about the last episode before Dongtini goes on maternity leave. And speaking of not judging people: Portland Mamas Facebook group, humiliation via sleeptalking, calling things gay and David Copperfield’s hair. WHY CAN’T IT JUST BE IN ENGLISH?
Listen now or right click to download and listen later!

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Dion McGregor’s epic, epic sleeptalking
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Comedian wonderfully and generously explains why it’s not okay to say lame things are gay. She forgives us, though.
Closing song: The Ronettes — “Be My Baby”
I’m going to miss Dongtini SO MUCH! I think I should start from ep 1 and just do a Dongtini marathon!
Also, turns out I’m just OCD enough to be bothered by the fact that the baby is making you break at an uneven number of episodes! Couldn’t he just wait till after ep 100?!
Oh Eugene, you’re a gem.
I want to feel complimented but I keep thinking “What if “gem” is a Southern thing that sounds good but is actually an insult, like “bless your heart”?”
I’m just going to choose to think it’s a compliment and say thanks!
Eugene! I wanted to hit 100 so badly, but even before we skipped a week here and there a few months ago and even without my delivery being brought forward by 3.5 weeks, I realised we were going to fall short. I HATE odd numbers (except 5! It’s my favourite and it fits nicely into 10s!) and I almost didn’t even want to do that last episode just so we wouldn’t end on an absurd number like 91! Hopefully we’ll be back soon. I keep thinking Ill enjoy the break but I don’t think it will feel much like a break at all!
Now I feel much less crazy, knowing that it wasn’t just me! Even though I’m secretly afraid that your baby will end up being super demanding and there won’t be another Dongtini for YEARS, I’m still very happy for you! All the best and good luck! You’re going to be an AWESOME mom! Little Snins doesn’t know just how lucky he is!
I grew up watching Muppet Babies (a fave!) and a few years ago I realized that the great theme song had a similar, enjoyable sound to X-Ray Spex “I can’t do anything”:
Have a great birth, Simone. Look forward to listening to you guys again soon!
Nate, I love X-Ray Spex and I can’t believe I never thought that song sounded like Muppet Babies before but it totally does! Adorbs!
And thanks for the well wishes! Hopefully it wont be long until we’re back! It’s hard trying to podcast when my mum is around more than anything else!
Simone I wish you all the best with the arrival of your little one. Congratulations! I will miss the podcast during the hiatus, but take the time you need.
I loved the Muppet Babies too!
Also…am I missing something viewing this in my iPad? Where are the wagging dong gifs Stefanie was sent?
The great, great, grand niece (or something like that) of hONUS WAGner
So I looked at the Portland Moms group and 3 of my friends are on it—all guys because “Mom” is just a word.
Can you all make some suggestions of other podcasts I can listen to during hiatus? I listen to Grapes already, all the typical NPRy ones (Fresh Air, Radiolab, This American Life and the Moth)and don’t really know where else to go.
The only other podcast I listen to religiously is Talk Time!
“I remember not knowing what ‘seasons’ were until I was like, 20!”
Hilarious Stephanie! That was at least seven years longer than I was anticipating you saying!
So I’m watching the Room for the first time, I’m less than 5 minutes in and I really wish you guys could answer my questions-are they all special needs? Are they acting in the same room with each other? Is this real?
Without defending the words of the rude man who spoke so offensively to Simone’s sister I would like to offer an attempt at some cross-cultural insight. I am by no means an expert on Australians, however living and working with many Australians for the past 3 years I’ve had no choice but to try to understand the way some Australians sometimes speak (and I’m not referring to accents). I’ve found that especially North-Australian vernacular can be quite difficult to understand but that’s beside the point. I think many Australians have an extraordinarily dry sense of humor and a very indirect way of offering compliments. In my experience it is quite normal for Australians to disguise a compliment in what sounds to my North American ears like a flat out insult. The man who spoke so directly and harshly to your sister may have actually meant “Hey you look great for just having delivered a baby!” but his way of saying that was to say the opposite with the understanding that it would be accepted as a sarcastic but complimentary remark. Chances are he would not say that to a woman who he thought actually looked like she could stand to start working out.
That said he may still be a misogynist, I believe he certainly spoke inappropriately but knowing Australians who only offer outright insults to people they like I would surmise that the man thought your sister looked great for just having had a baby.
Great podcast. Can’t wait to hear more after the hiatus, have a great break!
Sean, that’s an interesting theory! I think you’re right that he may not have said that to someone who didn’t look like she had a chance of being skinny again as my cousin (not sister!) clearly does. Having said that though, that’s the same kind of blissful ignorance that allows Australians to be so racist. They think they’re just making a joke or being friendly or don’t mean anything by it but are so often oblivious to how offensive they are! Being Australian, that is how I see it!
I’m enjoying the hiatus and hanging with baby, but hopefully I’ll be ready to record something soon that isn’t just talking about baby shit (literally and figuratively)!
Cousin! Of course, and my apologies I just listened to episode 36 and I understand things a bit better now. Plus an Australian colleague watched The Dish and Cracker Jack with me this weekend, I’ve still got a lot to learn.