Dongtini — Episode 74
December 18, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone may have spammed you from her Hotmail, Stephy offended a row of Mars Hill attendees at Dave Bazan, everyone should have Ben and Aaron from the Grapes of Rad to text with during meaningfulcore openers, Rachel Demy, sleep hangovers, our movie quote contest results, Let Me Google That For You bites Simone in the ass, Stephy’s posts on Stuff Christian Culture Likes have been disappearing off of Facebook and it is super fucking suspicious, Tony Jones, the Stuff Christian Culture Likes post on covert misogyny within Christian culture, Jen Thweatt-Bates’ experiment on posing as a man online and the difference with which she was treated, people who identify as progressive are hardest to get through to because they believe they are already evolved and have arrived, 3 – 5% of the population identify as agnostic/atheist, why Stephy won’t call herself a Christian, why minority groups need the majority to come alongside them, does the label “feminist” put people on the defensive?, dealing with deep-seated biases without shame, Birdsworth’s glucosamine treats, Simone fields the question “Would you rather be an atheist or a pedophile?,” and then we cleanse your palate with Business Cat & Ikea Monkey.
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Monroe Transfer emoticon
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Closing song: Kiss — “God Gave Rock N’ Roll To You”
Honestly, I immediately thought of those emoticons when I heard you guys talk about the Monroe Transfer!
I love that movie! It’s “Me and You and Everyone We Know” and it’s streaming on Netflix:
I cannot BELIEVE those “Would You Rather?” results!
WHAT. the. FUCK.
I’m thinking of taking an informal poll w/ that question on Facebook…although I’m “Friends” with a lot of obnoxious evangelicals, so I’m afraid the results would be even more bleak.
Stacey, you were familiar with that emoticon already? You are seriously our type! The obnoxious evangelicals are all hidden from my Facebook feed and I sometimes forget they can see my stuff till one pops up and has a problem. I’d be curious about their poll results and also it might enhance my holiday rage. hahaha
No worries on you being “the only one that’s enjoying this…” Y’all crack me up, and I always enjoy the obvious enjoyment and laughter you and Simone share betwixt you.
As to your to not wanting to identify yourself with the word “Christian” or “feminist; makes sense to me. The issue (or an issue), I think, is wanting to be seen and heard accurately, and more importantly, for who you are. The risk of a label is that people carry definitions and ideas in their brains about said labels and once you have the label you get throw in to their pill bottle with a gazillion others and cease to be seen and heard. Okay, you may be seen through the side of the bottle, but you’re squished up against all those other pills and you’re seen through a glass darkly.
I don’t think our ‘pill bottles’ are intrinsically bad, they are our brains natural way of not having to continuously re-learn everything. That works great for stuff like getting a drink of water or monroe transfers… i.e., stuff you don’t really want to think about. Butt when it comes to the feelings and thoughts that comprise our unique identities, it seems important to practice conscious listening and looking, otherwise we miss what is in front of us because we are going on stored info and ideas. By not putting a common name or label (e.g., “Christian”, “Feminist”) you have a better chance of engaging the other persons listening and looking. Better, not perfect, we still pick up on phrases and words and our brains are back to the ‘pill bottle.’
Many might consider it disingenuous to not identify ones common identity labels up front, but the reverse may be true.
Those pill bottles really stress me out! Thanks for appreciating the laughter betwixt Simone and me, and also for saying “betwixt”!
haha, I come up with weird analogies sometime, was to visual.