Dongtini — Episode 54
July 25, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Stephy is visiting Simone in LA, which means recording at Taco Bell for the grand reveal of the Cantina Bell menu along with David. We are soon distracted by a dodgy hookup nearby and record that instead, then are shamed by a bystander. Also: an accidental party with Duncan and Rachel, social anxiety and being choked by adrenaline, the best bookstore in the free world, Simone’s unfortunate Family Cloth discovery, Stephy ate fake meat made out of walnuts and liked it, a website devoted to Things To Put On Your Dick, our perspective on rape jokes, and a listener call about making friends.
Listen now or right click to download and listen later!

Closing song: The Eagles of Death Metal — “Wannabe In LA”
When you said “website devoted to Things To Put On Your Dick” I assumed you meant DickHats (totally real thing ) but no, I should have known it wasn’t going to be chocolate cowboy helmets… How do you even find these freaks!?!
I would visit LA just for that bookstore! It looks amazing!! As a kid my dream was to live in a house that didn’t have walls, just bookshelves. Those pictures remind me of that…
I love so much that that was your dream! Walls of books…YES.
This episode was SPECTACULAR! I demand more Dongtini field trips whenever possible.
“Every day spent above ground is a good day”
Yay Dongtini field trips! You gotta love that guy’s positive outlook.