Dongtini — Episode 43
May 11, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone is still in Australia, hooked up to an IV of iced coffee and whipped cream vodka. Stephy is persecuted by Mark Driscoll enthusiasts and then subjected to a party full of 20-something hipsters. Simone gets into a two-hour theological discussion with her mum, so we read Amazon lube reviews to get some proper perspective.
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Closing song: Olivia Newton-John & ELO —”Xanadu”
I’m trying to figure out why you would petition to have Markie (his less known drag stage name) Driscoll dis-invited from a speaking engagement at Liberty University (aka Falwell U)? Seems like a match made in heaven.
Wow! 32oz of Gun Oil… that’s like a whole week supply!
Right? We were attempting to be strategic with the petition and at the very least place a question mark over Driscoll’s head for the people who think he’s the greatest thing ever. I explain more about the strategy at this post if you really wanna know.
32 oz of Gun Oil should get you through the weekend…maybe not a long weekend, though.
Okeedokee. Read the post and petition and would have signed it had I seen it before April 20. I agree with the spirit and intent of what you are doing. I think citing John Macarthur was a good call, giving some fundamentalist authority to your plea. The people under Driscoll’s spell would pretty much require the word of another ‘Christian authority’ to even consider questioning him. That’s unfortunate as I would put Driscoll and Macarthur in the same camp (I was baptized by John). Getting a fundamentalist to question anything fundamentalist is a start. Good christians don’t listen to infidels as their obvious agenda is to only pull as many into hell with them as they can. Infidels obviously are not interested in things like truth, otherwise they would all agree with Driscoll. The battle to free people from the Driscoll’s of the world is an emotional battle, not an intellectual one. Critical thinking and fundamentalist faith don’t mix.
Oh wow, you were bapatized by John MacArthur? My mom was baptized by Jerry Falwell (founder of Liberty University). The irony of my petition did not escape me.
Oh my goddy god thank you for playing Xanadu!!!!!!!
OMG. Pinnacle Cake vodka + pineapple juice + a dash of amaretto…it is amazing and tastes just like pineapple upside down cake. Try try tryyyy!
Maybe on Friday night I’ll have a Rimjob.
Oh hey guys, I’m just here to drop off a Devil Dong + bonus Mighty Pleased Maiden
OMG Poof, lol. I had a Korean karate instructor for several years, his name (and title) is: Grand Master Dong. (seriously)