Dongtini – Episode 6
August 8, 2011 in Podcast
Just before recording this episode, Stephy and Simone were thwarted by a homeless man’s bare ass. Reconvened, they process the trauma together and recount the previous mint julep-soaked night spent watching YouTube inanity. Then: euphemisms for ladyparts, courtesy of Wikisaurus (who’d have thought?) and to keep the episode from being completely soulless, they discuss the stuff that was fatally embarrassing when they were younger. /end third person blurb
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Behold Tami’s stable-esque guest room door.
Hello, Wilbur. |
The million-dollar video that hurts so good: the groundbreaking vanity video for
Chris Dane Owens’ Shine On Me:
Closing song: Mr. Bungle—”Stubb (a Dub)”