Dongtini – Episode 108

June 19, 2014 in Podcast

On today’s show, Simone recounts seeing the last living Bee Gee, Barry Gibb and meeting Olivia-Newton John, the horror show of Brian Wilson’s rap song “Smart Girls” is discussed, Stephy quizzes Simone on kissing someone who was on Mad Men, excessive apologies are explored, the legitimacy of medical information conveyed with bad web design, and mass shootings suck so hard, but ones that go unreported are discussed. Cock!

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Dongtini – Episode 108


Simone and Olivia Newton-John!

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60 Minutes story on Brian Wilson’s relationship with Dr Landy might help explain

the atrocity “Smart Girls” which played at the end of episode 106!

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Patrice O’Neal on white people vs black people going missing.


Closing song: Bee Gees – “Run To Me”

Dongtini — Episode 101

February 12, 2014 in Podcast

On this episode: the ever-increasing douchery of Flea, the perils of Woody Allen fandom, Simone is front row at Barry Gibb, Stephy vs. Bono apologists, Simone perused internet cats at the internet cat video film festival, and a very special flagrant Dong In The News. “I think Hermione could have done better than either of them,” said Simone. Understanding the distrust of evolution is explored (probably your own fault) and what Stephy means by saying every experience is valid.

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Dongtini – Episode 101

Kittybagel the eyelid-less sunglass-wearing cat can be stalked at


Somehow Gregg scored the seats only reserved for sultans and monarchs at the Hollywood Bowl for the Barry Gibb concert. Magical.

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If you don’t understand how we know the age of the earth and think you need some kind of faith to believe the science, this might clear things up for you. Narrator can be a bit of a dick and may sound insulting to your intelligence, but grow a pair, suck it up, and just stay tuned to the facts.


This site might hurt your feelings. Below is the post on the Backfire Effect.

The Backfire Effect

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Dong from the news

Axl’s response to the Chili Peppers.

Closing song: The Figgs — “Je T’adore”