Dongtini — Episode 125
March 21, 2015 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone reads a passive-aggressive letter from a super smug mom, Stephy’s house and car both broke at the same time, Simone gifts a dog name to listeners, Stephy says “What.” without a question mark which gives Simone chest pain, two different takes on words and meanings, some follow-up from people who didn’t care about The Dress™, more colons, and a listener-submitted Dong In The News!
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Dongtini Episode 125
Vote on how Stephanie’s “Whats” sound at 16:56 in the episode!

Perceptions of blue throughout literary history!
Closing song: Prom Queen – “Can’t Seem To Cry”
In my defense, never in my wildest dreams could I concieve of someone trying to do anything with that meat other than burying it in a landfil! I cannot describe the smell! Even inside 2 garbage bags, just opening the freezer door made the whole house smell like an open grave! I joked that it made me consider going vegan but seriously it’s more like it made me want to never eat food again. That smell was like a greasy, near tangible death cloud that tried to creep into your orifices, I don’t know how anyone could think about trying to save it.
Maybe I should have written a note…
“Being homeless is really bad but being homeless AND shitting yourself to death is way worse. Please leave the rotten meat alone”
So how long do you guys think will it be before penis transplants become a popular elective surgery? If it works well it should be much better than the current penis enlargement (which I understand leaves you with a frankenwiener…)
Those doctors should get lots of opportunities to practice, circumcision rituals like that maims (and even kills!) several young men each year. Going off into the wilderness and getting circumcised with a spear blade really isn’t as safe and hygienic as it sounds!
Finally George Glass is in his proper home!
His adornments are bits of beach glass I’ve collected over the years. I think the ones on his chest are pieces of coral, but maybe they are pieces of a seashell. Originally his Dong was much more upright and you got a nice view of his lovingly formed testicles, but the fimo clay softened in the oven and the veracity of his erection waned.
By the way Simone, I was really worried about getting you stuck in an awkward adoring fan conversation on twitter, so I tried to keep myself brief, and then I worried about coming off curt. I’ll never win and always tell myself I’m being annoying.
This information about hairs-in-foam is very relevant to me! I’m a hotel housekeeper out here in Hawaii(it’s how I have so much time to listen to podcasts), and I am often dealing with hairs in the mattresses/pads/toppers/etc. I will be closely examining this phenomenon on my next day of work.
You were so great in Decker Simone!! Totally nailed the taliban VHS street vendors that are like, ALL OVER Hawaii. Oh, and thanks for spoiling The Good Wife for me! Alicia’s running for state’s attorney?! Ahh! I’m still working my way through season 4!
I loved the article about the color blue! I remember from the Iliad the sea being described as “wine dark” and the sky being bronze colored, along with a lot of other weird shit.
Stephy! I’ve got the image of Mary and her DongChild finished, but I’ve got to fill in the background and I really don’t know how to paint. Gonna watch some Bob Ross videos and maybe get some inspiration.
Thanks for another great episode you guys
Crystal! Sorry I’m so slow to reply to this, but I was almost exclusively on my phone in Melbourne and it’s never easy to get into these comments on the phone. Your Twitter conversation didn’t come off weird or curt, fear not!
Any news on the hair in the mattress toppers? Have you found my information useful and truthful???
I’m so glad you enjoyed my Decker performance! I studied a lot of the Hawaiian Taliban VHS street vendors before we shot which I think is apparent in my performance.
Sorry about The Good Wife! Even though I said she’s running for State’s Attorney, I didn’t (and would never!) say how that turns out! So excited you’re watching it though!
Thank you again for the magical gift! “The veracity of his erection waned!”
I call my dog Doggins. It’s unofficially part of his name and also part of a lot of other names. For example: Professor Doggins, Morton “Morty” Dogginsberg, and Doggins McScroggins. Doggins McScroggins is his dog detective nickname (Doggins McScroggins, Dogtown PD). Sometimes at the end of the day I narrate in his dog detective voice all of the dog crimes he solved that day. I also call him Doggins when we’re out for walks, as in “ok come on, Doggins”, and once a lady who was petting him said “What’s his name? Doggins?” and I was like, meh, yeah. Sure. Kind of.
We call our dog Doggins, too! I have hopes of someday dressing him up as Richard Doggins some Halloween (give him a crockoduck tie, tell people he’s an atheist {I mean, he technically is, he’s a dog}).
ALSO, Simone, I’m obsessed with magic too. I haven’t tried to learn it much but I love reading about it and watching it. So I’m excited about your career revival.
RICHARD DOGGINS!!!! I love that SO, SO, SO much!!!
And another girl into magic! So happy to hear it! I’m going to the Magic Castle again tonight. Debating which magic class I should sign up for. The maneuver I was working on at jury duty (see Episode 126) has been coming along well! I have a four or five tricks up my sleeve so it’s slowly happening!