Dongtini — Episode 101
February 12, 2014 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: the ever-increasing douchery of Flea, the perils of Woody Allen fandom, Simone is front row at Barry Gibb, Stephy vs. Bono apologists, Simone perused internet cats at the internet cat video film festival, and a very special flagrant Dong In The News. “I think Hermione could have done better than either of them,” said Simone. Understanding the distrust of evolution is explored (probably your own fault) and what Stephy means by saying every experience is valid.
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If you don’t understand how we know the age of the earth and think you need some kind of faith to believe the science, this might clear things up for you. Narrator can be a bit of a dick and may sound insulting to your intelligence, but grow a pair, suck it up, and just stay tuned to the facts.
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Dong from the news
Axl’s response to the Chili Peppers.
Closing song: The Figgs — “Je T’adore”
It’s true, when you believe something really hard and you get confronted with the opposite you do tend to dig in harder BUT that shouldn’t discourage people from trying. Case in point, I used to be a young earth creationist and when I first got confronted by the evidence for Evolution I tried to shut it out as hard as I could but in the end the truth won out for me.
In the end it came down to one question for me – stupid or evil? All these scientists from diverse disciplines who live all over the world and have all kinds of religious beliefs all look at the evidence and support evolution so for creationism to be true those scientists have to be either stupid (too dense to see the obvious truth of creation) or evil (they know evolution is false but they have an agenda to hide the truth). Since I know a fair amount of scientists and since I studied science myself I knew that it was neither of those things.
What I realized is that people who accept evolution do so because that’s where all the evidence is pointing. On the other hand creationists – even when they have fancy science degrees – are not a bunch of baffled skeptics. They didn’t believe in evolution but then saw all the evidence for creationism and then changed their minds, they were religious first and then adjusted their ideas from there. Which is silly because this is all based on a literal reading of Genesis and as Stephy pointed out, it’s clearly not meant to be read that way! OK to be fair perhaps the people who wrote Genesis believed it was literal truth, who knows but so what? You don’t see debates on whether disease is caused by demons or germs even though the Bible doesn’t mention germs anywhere and instead blames all diseases on either evil spirits or divine punishment. So where are the Bible literalists defending the evil spirit theory of disease against the secular onslaught of germ theory?
You are a delightful commenter, Eugene. So fun and thoughtful. Top shelf Dongtini grade!
Debates over whether disease is caused be demons or germs! I hadn’t even thought of that stupid possibility. I can’t wait to mention it next time I’m confronted with creationist stupidity! Only the Christian Scientists (that I know of) have a way out!