Dongtini – Episode 42
May 2, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode:Transcontinental fortitude! Simone calls in from her snack nest in Australia and talks about the Aussie version of white trash (bogans). Stephy is busted for humblebragging and then is sad that atheists call her dumb, a stranger shows Simone her nipple ring, and nothing is more hilarious than hipsters at the gym.
Listen now or right click to save and listen later.
- An example of modern day Aussie bogan make-up.

Simone was treated like a common bogan when she went shopping:
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Wesley Willis’s masterpiece “Rock ‘n Roll McDonalds”
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Closing song: Otis Redding—”Slippin’ and Slidin'”
Arg! So many things in this podcast I want to comment on! But I’ll try to just comment on two things instead of 20.
Firstly I thought the Bogan thing was fascinating. It seems like every culture with a significant amount of white people end up having a “white trash” class. They are all sort of similar yet in each culture they have their own characteristics. It’s Zef evolution!
Secondly, I think it was very wrong to call Stephanie stupid. I really respect Stephanie because she came by her position honestly. She started as a fundamentalist but was willing to question and think and ended up where she is now. In 5 years she may have less reasons to believe or she may have more, either way, I think she’ll end up there in an open and honest fashion.
AND YET, is it really right to say that you should never insult someone’s religious beliefs? As Simone pointed out in this podcast, being bigoted against gay people is fucking stupid. If someone hates gays or blacks or women due to their faith, should I be able to call it stupid? If my grandma wants to send most of her pension to some televangelist, should I respect her faith? What about those parents who pray over their sick kids instead of taking them to the doctor? Religious beliefs are often stupid and unreasonable and are not always worthy of respect.
So where is the line? I don’t actually know, but I’d like to hear what you guys think of this.
Aww thanks for your niceness, Eugene. I know what you mean about “but those people believe the wrong thing.” Like the middle eastern oppression of women (just a random example of a thousand possibilities) and the people who would say “But that’s their culture! It’s okay if it’s their culture.” But of course it’s not okay just because it’s part of their culture. I think the kindness factor comes in where you can realize “those people don’t have a category for life to be any other way. They can’t imagine, or don’t want to imagine, a world where women have the same rights as men.” When I realize they just don’t, or won’t, have a category for it, I soften towards them and remember the things I haven’t had categories for in the past (and the things I still don’t have a category for). From there you can ask questions respectfully and engage the person who doesn’t have a category for what you believe. And that kind of softness and caring can make such huge changes. Anyway.
I really wanted to weigh in on the democracy issue of whether or not to accept a religious law that had a majority vote. I think it’s completely unacceptable. Not just because it’s based in religion but also because I don’t think democracy should equal mob rule. I think a healthy democracy is one that protects the interests of the minority and the unpopular. Otherwise you end up with 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner (I forget who said that but I love the quote)
I think if you want something to be a law it shouldn’t matter how many people love it or hate it. All laws should be made based on reasoned logic and evidence. That way everyone gets to put their dongs on the table and we can see what they’re packing. So to speak.
If you want something to be a law you should be able to make a strong, sensible argument and you should be able to show evidence to back your claim. Then if someone disagrees they can make a counter argument and offer evidence to debunk your claim and support theirs. Then make a law or don’t based on that, not because a crowd of people believe that an undetectable entity they can neither hear or see wanted them to do something – that is no basis for government!
Real world example – the whole Prop 8 debacle. A religious majority wanted gay marriage to be illegal. However when it ended up in court the people who claimed that gay marriage would destroy society and the institution of marriage had to back up their claims it turned out they had nothing. The pro-gay marriage side on the other hand could provide the court with a reasoned argument for their side so they won. The minority with the just cause won and the bigoted majority lost. That is how a civilized society should be run.
Another great show ladies! I found Simone’s take on the Aussie Bogans facinating as I live in Australia and have my whole life, I feel I have just gotten used to the make up and football event outfits! I get accused of being a bogan and this concerns me. Do you think I’m a bogan ladies? Oh and the BBQ shapes? I never ever thought the name and I’ve been eating them forever! Thanks Stephy! Love having Simone in Oz! Until next time! Bye Stephanie, bye Simone! x
Bitterly disappointed… can’t get the webcast to play (“page not found?”). It didn’t work even after praying, which means one of us has secret sin in their life. sigh. I did enjoy the McDonalds song though, great voice and profound message.
Thanks for letting me know, Paul! It was doing that when I set it up buy then I got it to work in another browser so I thought it was a refresh problem. Will fix ASAP. Glad you found another way!
Ok, never mind, got you on STITCHER. You two are hilarious.
“Fem Connection” sounds vaguely gay… I wonder if Fem Connection and Bi Mart are connected?
Guys that are ‘bustin a sag’ strike me as participating in some sort of gay homophobic mating ritual.
Seems to me that if you had just stopped short with “Guy on an bus asked me which high school I go to,” that woulda been a humblebrag, but since you also included his response to your revelation about being 37 (“ew”?), I’d give you a free pass on that one. And wtf, “ew”? “WOW” maybe, but certainly not “ew.”
Sounds like you’ve run into a few fundamentalist atheists. I fail to see the superiority of the atheist who declares someone is “dumb” because that someone fails to have their amazing insight over the theist who makes a similar declaration. To me the more secure and mature person is the one who can say “I don’t know,” and be at peace with reality and honesty that much in life is unsubstantiated.
I ….. I just don’t understand. I’m shocked. Confused. I’m huddled in a pile of protective blankets, surrounded by candles, hoping, praying for some kind of understanding. Nothing makes sense anymore. I just keep rocking back and forth shivering, asking myself again and again……
Explain yourself Simone.
For one, Crystal, Violet Crumble…blah, it’s just not as good. Crunchie is all melty and delicious! Violet Crumble feels so dry and far more of an effort to eat. Furthermore, it contains gelatine which I don’t eat, but it doesn’t bother me because I would take Crunchie over Violet Crumble any day! Yay Crunchie!
Okay okay fine. We’ll agree to disagree. I would switch the descriptions, but that’s my personal mouth experience. The number one thing that makes your Crunchy over Violet Crumble choice respectable is the gelatin. But still, boo Crunchy! Yay Violet Crumble!
However, as a result of this shocking revelation, I can only bring my self to listen to your Crunchy-munching-mouth talk so much, I will now be doing Dongtini on the bi-weekly.
oh god I hope how much I’m joking gets across in these posts…….
Violet crumble tops Crunchie in taste and texture majorly !
Bogans – next step global domination. Some more humour for you: