Dongtini — Episode 34
March 7, 2012 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: Simone would rather be called a cunt than a hipster, Stephy went to Jesus Camp, Pulp Fiction done as Shakespeare, Juicy Fruit adverts from the 80s, and our personal histories with panic attacks (please tell us we’re not alone!).
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American Juicy Fruit commercial is gonna move ya.
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The Australia Juicy Fruit commercial will get you going.
Try to play them simultanously if you can!
Are you anxious, a hipster, or like Juicy Fruit? Tell us about it here.
Closing song: Let My People Come — “I’m Gay”
Sorry to disappoint Simone but the South African listener is not Alterna-Simone, it is I! In case you’re wondering how I got here the road looked like this: I read The Slacktivist blog and he gave a shout out to Stephy’s blog at one point so I checked that out and totally loved it and read it all! But then I was sad because the updates were few and far between. But then she posted her appearance on the Grapes of Rad podcast so I decided to check it out (I’d never listened to a podcast before at this point). I really enjoyed it so I decided to check out Dongtini and I LOVED it! Downloaded every single episode and listened to them all back to back. Been a fan ever since!
Regarding panic attacks, I never got them but then I had to have my thyroid removed. Ever since then, seafood gives me panic attacks! I don’t know if that is normal, no idea if that’s a thing but that’s how it is for me. First time I got back from the hospital and tried prawns & calamari I woke up to a massive panic attack for the first time in my life that night. Been like that ever since, if I have some seafood I get horribly realistic nightmares and I wake up panicked. I’ve cut out most seafood and that helped but I have a deep and disturbingly passionate love for anchovies so every now and then I’ll still have it on a pizza. It makes me feel wired and anxious the rest of the day but that is just how much I love anchovies!
I’ve been medicated for depression and anxiety for going on 10 years now. I’m right there with you on the oddball panic attack triggers. Eating in general is one for me. Also, taking a shower. Insert joke about my hygiene here.
I shower every day, but I have to do it super fast. The less time spent in a small, hot, confined space, the better.
I wish I could live in a hot confined space, Kramer-style.
Wow, Phillip! Getting anxious about being stuck in the shower sounds tough. I am afraid of confinement too but it seems to appear only in situations I can’t control. I was on the Harry Potter ride in Orlando a few weeks ago and the ride stopped part way through and I had to do some serious self talk and breathing to stop myself from having a complete breakdown. It was only stopped for about a minute but I didn’t know how long it was going to be so I was starting to hyperventilate and flip out. You’d think being stuck on a Harry Potter ride would be heavenly, but it wasn’t. Perhaps because I was faced with a Dementor at that moment in the ride.
I narrowly avoided a minor panic attack when I found wet pancakes in Stephy’s sink last week. My esophagus shudders when I think about it even now.
Anyhoo, thanks for sharing!
Eugene! It’s you! I’m delighted! I was sure the other Simone Turkington wouldn’t get me at all since she lists a Kardashian show among her favourites on her Facebook page. I imagine our similarities end with our name. Anyway, I love your story on how you got to us. Glad we came through when you arrived! I was just in Seattle and Stephy and I recorded with Grapes so that should be out next week!
“But that is just how much I love anchovies!” is one of the best quotes ever. I LOLed.
This podcast is totally the best! I’ve checked out a couple by now but Dongtini is the only one I have wanted to subscribe to!
My favourite anchovy quote is from Buffy, “Anchovies, Anchovies, you’re so delicious, I love you more than all the other fishes!”
“My favourite anchovy quote.” Would love to hear one less revered.
“I know I’m an acquired taste – I’m anchovies. And not everybody wants those hairy little things.” Tori Amos
Not as cool as Pulp Shakespeare but definitely kind of cute, someone posted this on FB the other day:
“I will not kill him with a sword. I will not kill my Scottish lord. I will not stab him in the back. I do not want to, Lady Mac #SeussSpeare”
Hi Ladies-I’m not even done the episode, but wanted to write-
After months of screwed up-ness, I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder last summer and have had to completely re-order my life. When I have an anxiety attack, it leads to a full on allergy attack which means I get really sick with ultimate hay fever and can’t leave the house for three days because I’m disgusting and snotty and awful. The good thing is it got me into therapy, helped me to analyze my choices and deal with my stress—the bad thing is I had to get rid of other minor stressors like certain foods, ie, my favorite thing in the world: Beer. Anxiety/stress leads to so many awful things and I’m so grateful I was able to get some help. I meditate now, do yoga and am really careful with any time I have leftover between school and work-it really does make my world better, but lots of times I still screw up and get all twirly and awful.
Anyway-just so you know you aren’t alone-so many of us seem to deal with anxiety/panic attacks in one way or another-
Oh thank you for sharing this! xoxoxo
Thanks for sharing this Mary! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner but I was out of town and never on a computer. Sorry about the beer, but it’s comforting to be able to figure out a cause and deal with it. Glad the meditation is working for you. I know it’d help me tremendously but I just can never find the time to learn some techniques. I guess it’s a weird thing to start doing when you aren’t used to it. Your story is another reminder that I should get on that! xoxo
I was in a play my senior year of college and the night before we opened, I had a panic attack in the middle of rehearsal and we had to stop so I could go downstairs to the bathroom and ride it out. Later that year, I had two episodes of severe anxiety that lasted three weeks. I spent my first year of grad school doped up on Klonopin and ducking people’s “You don’t REALLY need to take that shit” and “Maybe you need to go to a hospital or move back home” remarks. I hate people.
Ugh, Karla! There’s nothing worse than people telling you what you do and don’t need. A panic attack in the middle of rehearsal sounds awful and would feed the beast at the same time! I hope it’s eased up for you. I hate people too.
[…] Are you anxious, a hipster, or like Juicy Fruit? Tell us about it here. […]
Pulp Shakespeare is wondrous. I’m mesmerized.
I hope you get to see it for reals! It’s so skilfully done!