Dongtini — Episode 18
November 16, 2011 in Podcast by dongtini
On this episode: accents we love with a flaming passion and hate with a fiery vengance, Stephy’s Ben Gibbard impersonation, Simone has it on good authority that Facebook is out to Aldous Huxley us all, and Christians freely share unwanted details of their weird sex lives. (Sound news: Stephy was distorting all over the place, you’ll just have to deal with it.)
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Amy Walker does 21 accents in two and a half minutes.
Zooey Deschanel sings National Anthem
Ben Gibbard sings the National Anthem
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Stephy’s Stuff Christian Culture Likes post on scheduling sex and grody comments are here. |
Closing song: Chet Atkins—”I Feel Fine”
Loved the discussion on accents – Cornish, Welsh and Jordie are right up there with the Irish and Scottish too I think! Request – can Simone please do the next Dongtini all in Kiwi?
Fistulas – there's an amazing Australian doctor (among others) working out of Ethiopia doing reconstruction. Here's a few moving doco's made on the subject.
Now I'm going to be nervous about talking to Americans when I visit Seattle at Xmas. 0.o Worthwhile spending the next 5 weeks trying to pick up a new accent?
Ladies, There isn't one English accent there are loads and Sarff (south) London where I live has one of the worst – although I, of course, don't have an accent.
Simone, As far as I can tell a New Zealand accent is an aussie one put through the nose (same works for Liverpool to Birmingham in the UK). I'll stop there before I go on for ever about accents.
Stephy, As far as I can tell Canadians pronounce 'pasta' correctly!
Finally is it just me but does Conrad Murray look like OJ Simpson? I mean shouldn't that have given MJ a clue?
Keep up the good work.
Hooray for Zooey hate!
I’m new to Dongtini, so I’m just getting caught up on old podcasts. Here’s my take on the National Anthem videos you posted: Gibbard was hugely more unimpressive than Zooey. Although I like DCFC’s recorded stuff, this a capella attempt was pure, utter horse manure. I agree with Simone that Zooey, in her lower register, was bad… the vocal equivalent of a flaccid penis. But her upper register, conversely was the erection. Powerful and imposing on the high notes. Ben Gibbard was just weak and uninspired throughout, lazily sliding between “pitches” (get it… it was a baseball reference almost as bad as Gibbard), and even off-key far too often for a professional singer. Blech.
By the way: Is one allowed to use the word ‘flaccid’ to reference anything other than a dong? I know it technically is, but I personally could never utter that word in seriousness other than to describe the functional state of a dick. If Stephy or Simone actually read this message, I would love to hear some commentary on the word ‘flaccid’ in a future podcast.
Flaccid is wonderfully evocative and always hilarious. I care not about Zooey’s register, it’s her vacant stare that weirds me out and just the fact that she’s adored by the mindless masses that bugs me. I love all her clothes, though.